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When Should I Use Medication for Acne?

When Should I Use Medication for Acne?

Acne. If you’re an adult, you thought you were through with it, but now it’s popped up — no pun intended — again. If you’re a teenager, you’re suffering a skin condition shared by 85% of your peers. 

Our board-certified dermatology team at Seacoast Dermatology provides effective treatments for acne. If your acne is persistent and hard to treat and you’ve tried over-the-counter medications that don’t work, we have solutions for you. 

Acne has psychological consequences

One or two blemishes on your face, chest, or shoulders may not be the end of the world, but what if you have many inflamed spots on your skin? Having a moderate or severe case of acne has psychological consequences. 


As a teen, you may be suffering emotionally. Acne may make you abnormally shy and prevent your participation in group activities because you feel embarrassed and self-conscious. As an adult, you may shy away from functions you really want to participate in, limiting yourself socially and even in your career. 

When medication is the answer for acne 

If you only have acne breakouts now and then and are able to control them with drugstore solutions, keep doing what you’re doing. But what if your situation is different?

If your acne is moderate or severe and over-the-counter meds aren’t helping, it’s time to see the dermatologist. Why wait to get help when it’s only one appointment away? 

You may have severe acne, or acne vulgaris. With acne vulgaris, you have raised red bumps that may contain pus. You may also have acne nodules, or bumps deep under the skin that contain pus. 

A nodule can turn into an acne cyst, which is actually a large nodule. When it comes near the surface of the skin, it destroys healthy skin and can create acne scarring. 

See the dermatologist before acne scars start to develop. It’s easier to treat acne than acne scars, although we can treat scars, too. 

Don’t let acne interfere with your social life or career. Use the benefits of modern dermatology treatment for your acne so you can enjoy all of the opportunities that life brings your way. 

Medical treatments for acne 

Your acne treatment is individualized based on the kind of acne you have. We may prescribe one or a combination of the following types of medication: 

If you’re in distress because of acne, call us today at one of our convenient locations — Portsmouth, Exeter, or Dover, New Hampshire — or book your appointment here. We’ll help you control inflamed acne and acne breakouts

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